Holly Springs Cemetery, Mena, Arkansas

Polk County from the 1854 Colton Railroad and Township Map

Location & Information Four miles Northeast of Mena on property owned by Odis Bowen (3/3/1984)Township 2 South, Range 30 WestParcel # ? Some of the Edwards descendants still live in Mena, as of 3/3/1984. This cemetery was in existence in the 1860’s and 1870s. Many graves have been lost to the fields and some tombstones destroyed by machinery before a fence was put around the cemetery. Mr. Lynn Harris remembers a Lewis family being buried here, although there are no markers or tombstones for their graves. Lynn Harris’ sister, Fern Wiles, gave the following information on her father who is … Read more

Hilton Cemetery, Board Camp, Arkansas

Hilton Cemetery, Board Camp, Arkansas - FM

Location & Information One mile Northeast of Board Camp on a farm known in 1983 as the Eigsti Farm. On hwy 8E at Board Camp, turn left onto co. road #63, go about 3/4 mile and turn left onto co. road #657, a dead-end road. Cemetery is across a metal bridge. Turn right after crossing the bridge and cross a field. Cemetery on top of hill to the right. Cemetery is on private land.Pt SE NW and Pt NE SW of Section 28, Township 2 South, Range 29 WestParcel # 02389 and 02390 Although there is a fence around this … Read more

Highland Cemetery, Cherry Hill, Arkansas

Location & Information About three miles North of Cherry Hill at intersection of Polk 70 and Polk 301SW/4 of Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 28 WestNot listed on the Polk County Tax Roll This one-half acre plot used for this cemetery was deeded by Ancil Hoover. The land was homesteaded by Seburn Lenard. Internment Barber, Andrew J. – 1869-1948 Barber, Jessie E. – 6/3/1883 to 5/25/1956 Cunningham, Arma Sue Cline – 1937-1973 Egger, Virginia Ann – 8/19/1894-12/6/1936 Egger, Amos – 1897-1968 Egger, Grace – 1901-1980 Hill, Leroy – 1922-1967 Hill, Mamie – 1921-1965 Holmes, Nellie – 5/22/1905-2/28/1925 – (wife … Read more

Pioneer Cemetery, Mena, Arkansas

Pioneer Cemetery, Mena, Arkansas

aka, Hefley-Witherspoon Cemetery Location & Information On top of Rich Mountain, northwest of where the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge now stands. (State Highway 88 West from Mena)Section 10, Township 1 South, Range 32 WestNot on the Polk County Tax Roll There are twenty three graves in this cemetery but only one has a tombstone. The others are marked with native stones. Although no one remembers the name or dates of the first burial, some think it may have been the small Wilkerson girl. There was at least one grave and a church-school building on this one acre plot when A. Y … Read more

Grannis Cemetery, Grannis, Arkansas

Grannis Cemetery, Grannis, Arkansas

Location & Information One block west of Highway 71 in the city limits of Grannis, ArkansasSW, SE, Section 18, Township 6 South, Range 31 WestParcel # 4000-00284-0100 The community of Grannis was first believed to have been called Leon, with a little church on the hill near the present location of the cemetery. When the rail road came by in 1898, the name was changed to Grannis, honoring one of the crew. Short and Peckering operated a sawmill and planer near where the cemetery is located, also. Several of the mill hands and their families were stricken with a fever … Read more

Gilliam Cemetery, Old Hartley, Arkansas

Polk County from the 1854 Colton Railroad and Township Map

Location & Information Fifteen miles East of Vandervoort on State Highway 246, then turn left on Polk 402, continue left on 402 at “T” for about 2 1/2 miles to cemetery on right. This area is known as “Old Hartley” and Polk 402 is known as the Hartley-Shady Forest Road. NW, Section 22, Township 4 South, Range 30 West Parcel # ? Gilliam cemetery is one-quarter mile from the low water bridge near Gilliam Springs, down an old road which is impassable by car. It lies to the right of the road a short distance and is surrounded by dense … Read more

Gann Cemetery, New Potter, Arkansas

Gann Cemetery, New Potter, Arkansas

Location & Information One-half mile South of New Potter on Hwy 375 W to Intersection of Polk 37 and Polk 170 SW, SE, Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 31 West Parcel # 7251 The following information was obtained from the Deed Book at the Polk County, Arkansas Courthouse. Deed Book #37, Page 61: J. B. Linn in November 1907 sold land for $2.00 to the then Trustees, G. W. Liner, J. B. Graves, and T. J. Hicks. the land was to be used for a burying place for the public. Deed Book #37, Page 131: In December of 1907, … Read more

Foran Cemetery, Acorn, Arkansas

Polk County from the 1854 Colton Railroad and Township Map

Location & Information Nine miles North of Mena on Highway 71Section 13, Township 1 South, Range 30 WestNot Listed on the Polk County, Arkansas Tax Roll This cemetery lies about five hundred feet East of Highway 71. There are about 25 graves, but only one tombstone with name and date. Internment Larimore, Amanda E. – 1831-1900 – wife of M. L. Larimore

Foote Cemetery, Cove, Arkansas

Foote Cemetery, Cove, Arkansas

Location & Information About four miles Southeast of Cove. Take Polk 23 East out of Cove, right on Polk 31 (Old Line Road), cross Polk 21, on East side of road.SW, NE, Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 31 WestParcel # 11381 This cemetery was established in 1857. It was known as the Floyd Cemetery for several years. The name was changed to the Foote Cemetery when a man by the name of Foote bought the land on which the cemetery is located. There are thirty or forty graves with rocks for markers, in this cemetery. Internment ? Billings Birth … Read more

Eagleton Cemetery, Eagleton, Arkansas

Polk County from the 1854 Colton Railroad and Township Map

Location & Information Three-quarters of a mile from the railroad tracks in Eagleton, right on Polk 97, right on Polk 103 to cemetery on left side of road.NE, SW, Section 10, Township 1 South, Range 31 WestParcel # ? There are an additional 33 adult, 23 children and 12 infant graves that are unnamed and/or unmarked in this cemetery. Because of the remote location of Eagleton, Sexton, Howard, Downs and Little Cemeteries, Bessie M. Little Gilbert wishes to share the following information. She has lived in the Eagleton, Arkansas area for thirty-seven years. Her great grandfather was born in North … Read more

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