Holly Springs Cemetery, Mena, Arkansas

Location & Information

Four miles Northeast of Mena on property owned by Odis Bowen (3/3/1984)
Township 2 South, Range 30 West
Parcel # ?

Some of the Edwards descendants still live in Mena, as of 3/3/1984.

This cemetery was in existence in the 1860’s and 1870s. Many graves have been lost to the fields and some tombstones destroyed by machinery before a fence was put around the cemetery.

Mr. Lynn Harris remembers a Lewis family being buried here, although there are no markers or tombstones for their graves. Lynn Harris’ sister, Fern Wiles, gave the following information on her father who is buried in this cemetery. There is no marker for his grave.

The cemetery covers about one-third of an acre of land. There are signs of several other graves, but they cannot be identified.


Edwards, ? – d Oct 6, 1877 – 4 yrs-9 mos-3 days – (son of R. S. & M) – Stone is broken-first name is not legible.
Edwards, Mary Fried – 1849-1912
Edwards, Robert Lee – 1889-1936
Edwards, Robert Siniona – 1843-1918
Edwards, Samuel Holder – 1887-1943
Harris, Fred G. – 5/1890-8/2/1927 – (no marker for grave)

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