Biography of Isaac Asbury Clarke

Centennial History of Arkansas

Professor Isaac Asbury Clarke, who for years was principal of Clarke’s Academy of Berryville and was one of the most widely known and ablest educators of the state, was born in Overton County, Tennessee, March 22, 1837. He acquired his early education in Rhea’s Academy at Berryville, which he attended for several years, and he later became a student in the University of Missouri at Columbia in the year 1860. He left school the following year, however, to enlist in the Confederate army, with which he served until the close of the war. He was on duty with the First … Read more

Biography of Ray Anderson

Centennial History of Arkansas

Ray Anderson, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Green Forest, was born on a farm near the city in which he still makes his home, his natal day being October 26, 1891. He is a son of Columbus and Alice (Johnson) Anderson, the former born in Carroll County, Arkansas, while the latter is a native of Illinois. The grandfather, Abner J. M. Anderson, was a native of North Carolina and removed to Arkansas in the ’30s, settling in Carroll County, where his remaining days were devoted to the occupation of farming and stock raising. He was in the … Read more

Benton County, Arkansas Genealogy and History

Benton County from the 1854 Colton Railroad and Township Map

The county of Benton lies in the extreme northwestern corner of the State of Arkansas and is bounded north by McDonald and Barry Counties in the State of Missouri, east by Carroll and Madison Counties in Arkansas, south by Washington County in the same State, and west by Delaware and Adair Counties in Oklahoma. Benton County Biographies Benton County Census Records Benton County History The title of this section doesn’t accurately reflect the material available. In it you’ll find mention of many of the early and illustrious settlers of Benton County, put in such a light, that mere facts alone … Read more

Yell Township

On the 29th day of April, 1886, A. Twiggs and others presented to the court a petition for the formation of a new township, to be composed from parts of Ball, Flint and Hico, and bounded as follows, to-wit: “Commencing at section corner between 15 and 16 and 21; thence north one mile and a half to center of sections 9 and 10; thence west on said half mile line to the line of Hico Township; thence north to the line of Flint Township; thence northwest with said line to the center or half-mile corner between Sections 15 and 22, … Read more

War Service

A company of soldiers was raised in Benton County, by Capt. Henry L. Smith, for the Mexican War. They went as far as Fort Smith, but the quota having been filled they were not accepted. A portion of them, however, then joined the company of Capt. Wells, a company that was accepted but not yet full. In this company they went forward, and served in that war. On the approach of the late Civil War, when the question of “secession” was being agitated, the people of Benton County, in general, were opposed to that measure, and did not wish to … Read more

Washington Township

On the 1st day of May, 1886, J. C. Hopkins, B. C. Martin, Martin R. Walker and others presented to the court a petition for the formation of a new township within the following boundary lines, to-wit: “Beginning at the southwest corner of Section 22, in Township 18 north, Range 30 west, and running north to the northwest corner of Section 27, in Township 19 north, Range 30 west; thence east to the northeast corner of Section 30, in Township 19 north, Range 29 west; thence south to the Washington County line; thence west to the place of beginning.” The … Read more

Sulphur Springs Township

This delightful summer resort is beautifully situated in the vale of Butler Creek, on Section 23, Township 21 north, Range 33 west, and on the line of the survey of the Kansas City, Fort Smith & Southern Railroad, now graded to Splitlog, in Missouri. It was surveyed and laid out in December, 1885, by S. B. Robertson, for the proprietors, Hibler & Cox. Lyons’ addition thereto was laid out in May, 1887, and the whole village was re-surveyed in July of that year, by Mr. Robertson, for Charles Hibler and John Black. The group of springs at this place “includes … Read more

Van Hollow Township

This very lively place is situated on Section 22, Township 19 north, Range 28 west, and is worthy of especial mention on account of its being the headquarters of the native lumber industry of Benton and other counties. Peter Vanwinkle erected the first saw-mill known as “Van Winkle’s Mill” at this place in 1858, and ran it until some time during the war, when it was burned, it is said, by Confederate bushwhackers to prevent its being used by the Federal armies. It was rebuilt in 1866 and run until 1882, when it passed into the hands of J. A. … Read more

War Eagle Valley

This little village, consisting of the War Eagle Roller Mills, a large general store, blacksmith shop, and other industries, together with a small number of residences, is located in the beautiful and romantic valley of War Eagle Creek, in the southeast part of Benton County. Sylvanus Blackburn built the first mills at this place, consisting of a saw-mill and grist-mill, in 1848. These mills were used for a number of years, and until a second grist-mill, four stories high, was erected. This mill was burned during the war by order of a Confederate general, as claimed by Mr. Blackburn. The … Read more

The Sixteenth Sections

When the State of Arkansas was organized Congress donated to it the sixteenth section of land in each Congressional township for the support of common schools, providing that these lands should be sold or leased, and that the annual income from the leased lands or from the amount of principal for which such lands were sold should accrue to and belong to the inhabitants of the township in which the lands were located. Afterward the State enacted laws to carry out the provisions of the donation. The county court was authorized to lease these lands, when in its judgment it … Read more

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