Ray Anderson, cashier of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Green Forest, was born on a farm near the city in which he still makes his home, his natal day being October 26, 1891. He is a son of Columbus and Alice (Johnson) Anderson, the former born in Carroll County, Arkansas, while the latter is a native of Illinois. The grandfather, Abner J. M. Anderson, was a native of North Carolina and removed to Arkansas in the ’30s, settling in Carroll County, where his remaining days were devoted to the occupation of farming and stock raising. He was in the Federal army during the Civil war. He had several brothers, all of whom were with the Confederate forces, two serving with the rank of captain, but Mr. Anderson believed in the righteousness of the Union cause and remained a loyal follower of the stars and stripes. The maternal grandfather of Ray Anderson was Presley Johnson, who was born near Cairo, Illinois, and became a resident of Carroll County, Arkansas, in the ’80s. Here he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1910. The marriage of Columbus Anderson and Alice Johnson was celebrated in Carroll County and the father has here followed the occupation of farming and stock raising, winning a substantial measure of success through the capable management of his business affairs. He has always given his political allegiance to the republican party. His wife is a member of the Baptist church, and sterling worth has gained for both of them the high respect of all with whom they have been brought in contact. They have become parents of three children: Ray, Julia, at home, and Tom, who is married and lives upon the home farm. Ray Anderson acquired his early education in the public schools of his native county and afterward attended the University of Arkansas for one term. His first occupation after starting out in life independently was that of farming, and in 1916 he became identified with the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Green Forest, in which institution he was made cashier in 1917. This hank is capitalized for ten thousand dollars, has a surplus and undivided profits of sixty-seven hundred dollars and average deposits of one hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Anderson is proving a capable official, obliging and courteous to the patrons of the bank and at the same time carefully safeguarding the interests of stockholders and depositors alike. In 1912 Mr. Anderson was married to Miss Gertrude Stafford, a daughter of John Stafford, a prominent farmer and stock raiser residing near Green Forest. Her father served for two terms in the state legislature. Mrs. Anderson is a member of the Christian church, and Mr. Anderson is a Royal Arch Mason. He has passed through all of the chairs in the local lodge and is a faithful follower of the teachings of the craft. Politically he has been a republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise, hut the honors and emoluments of office have had little attraction for him, as he has always preferred to concentrate his attention upon his business interest, and along this line has made steady progress.
Thank you, that was very informative.