Location & Information
Fifteen miles East of Vandervoort on State Highway 246, then turn left on Polk 402, continue left on 402 at “T” for about 2 1/2 miles to cemetery on right. This area is known as “Old Hartley” and Polk 402 is known as the Hartley-Shady Forest Road.
NW, Section 22, Township 4 South, Range 30 West
Parcel # ?
Gilliam cemetery is one-quarter mile from the low water bridge near Gilliam Springs, down an old road which is impassable by car. It lies to the right of the road a short distance and is surrounded by dense forest. It is located on land that James H. Gilliam homesteaded before the Civil War and it consists of sixteen graves, eight of which have no names and dates.
James H. Gilliam’s wife and daughter are buried here, and it is believed that most of the eight unnamed graves are members of the Gilliam family, also.
The first Williamson was buried here in 1870. The land had been sold to Asa Williamson prior to this burial.
In 1970 some of the Gilliam heirs, who lived in Ashdown, Arkansas, owned forty acres of land where the cemetery is located. This cemetery is also known as the Gilliam-Williamson Cemetery.
- Gilliam, Ann E. – 1830-1/22/1852
- Gilliam, Mary E. – 1800-2/22/1855
- Wadkins, Son – 1906 – (son of James & M.E. Gilliam)
- Williamson, Asa – 1834-1909
- Williamson, Fannie W. – 10/30/1869-3/10/1870
- Williamson, Hardie Cornelius – 2/1/1896-2/16/1898
- Williamson, Lena – 7/28/1890
- Williamson, Mattie G. – 1/3/1837-5/23/1899