Jefferson County Arkansas Genealogy and History

Jefferson County is one of the largest in Arkansas, and lies divided by the Arkansas River, within about fifty miles of its mouth in a direct line. Its happy distance from the Mississippi River, and its proximity to the capital, and surrounded as it is by Saline, Pulaski and Lonoke Counties on the north, with Arkansas, Lincoln, Cleveland and Grant on the east, south and west, make its situation particularly fortunate. Its large territory of twenty-nine miles square, making 914 square miles, or 584,960 acres, located in a latitude of 34° north (on 15° of west longitude), similar to the northern parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, and with a climate whose annual temperature averages less than 62° Fahrenheit, all serve to explain its rapid growth and many of its excellent characteristics; for it must be remembered that the total population, which at the close of the Civil War was but 15,714, is now very fairly estimated at nearly 85,000.

Links to data appear to the right side in the navigational section, unless the data is “new” and that will always appear towards the bottom of the index page for the site. The search is specific to Arkansas genealogy and not just Jefferson County… as such, you will get matches for names in other counties. That could be a good thing, or bad, depending on your exact search.

Contributions of genealogical and historical information is the backbone of any county website. It is people like you, who have data on specific individuals, and would like to see that information placed online for posterity, which makes a county site successful. So if you have some data to share or just want to say hi, feel free to leave me a comment.

The goal of this website is to freely provide you with as much genealogical and historical information concerning Jefferson County, Arkansas as is practical. Since I do not reside in the county, I cannot provide onsite genealogical assistance, sorry.

2 thoughts on “Jefferson County Arkansas Genealogy and History”

  1. I am researching the Dardenne family which were Quapaws living in Pine Bluff area. They were moved in the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma

  2. Searching Corinne Caruso a native of Pine Bluff Arkansas, est. date of birth 1895.
    Corinne would be my great-grandmother. My mother says Corinne was in an orphanage in Arkansas, but she is not certain.

    Please contact me if you feel you have more information.

    cwyss at gmx dot com

    Thank you!
    Corinne’s great-grand-daughter


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