The Saline 1986-2012

From 1986 through the present time, the Saline County History and Heritage Society published a series entitled The Saline. Society publications exist to serve their membership by publishing material of interest to them. Local records and society news are the mainstays of these publications. Important records often are abstracted as ongoing series. Local periodicals also include queries, book reviews and notices, and ancestor charts. In fact, they are so diverse that almost any type of article may be found in them.

The Saline County History and Heritage Society, Inc., was formed in 1986, with the objective of preserving the history of Saline County and her families. At the time of the founding of the SCHHS, there was virtually nothing in print on Saline County, although the county is one of the oldest in the state, having been formed from Pulaski County in 1835 — even before Arkansas became a state in 1836. The society is still active today.

Index to The Saline (all volumes)

This index was provided by SCHHS and is hosted on their website. They have created three separate indices, listing them by last name of the person. Hence, [A-G] covers all surnames from A-G as well as any listing without a surname. Each of these indices are very large and will take a while to load completely. The index itself only lists the name of the person, the volume, and issue number. You will need to open the volume (listed below this index) and scroll to the end of the issue and look at it’s specific index to find the page number.

Quarterly Issues of The Saline

The Saline quarterly began publishing in 1986 and continued through 2003. In 2003, the SCHHS switched to a semi-annual version of this publication, and that continues to be published through the current time. Each issue contains family records, public record transcriptions, and other information of interest to those interested in Saline County history and genealogy. Unfortunately, many of the issues that were online at FamilySearch have been pulled off the web. If you wish to purchase a paper copy of any issue, do so through the SCHHS at their Bookstore. I am unable to locate a table of contents for the entire series, though each issue has their own table of contents, and their own index. You can use the index above as well as PERSI to search the contents.

The Salt Shaker

The SCHHS has begun a newsletter called “The Salt Shaker” which is emailed to society members four times a year. SCHHS hopes to include have photos of their meetings, spotlight their members and share information about the history of Saline county. Each of these are downloadable pdf’s.

1 thought on “The Saline 1986-2012”

  1. When the index to The Saline was made I added the page numbers to the right of their names so you won’t have to go to the end of each book to find the page number.


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