Location & Information
- Two and one-half miles West of Rich Mountain on Highway 270-59
- SW 1/4, Section 26, Township 1 North, Range 32 West
- Not on the Polk County, Arkansas Tax Roll
Latitude: 344253N
Longitude: 0942220W
Elevation in Feet: 2425
Government Map: Rich Mountain
North of the railroad and Big Creek, around the bend, past two houses, now standing, is an old wagon road that goes up the south side of Blackfork Mountain to the Sam Little place. On top of the mountain and to the left a few hundred yards is the Little Cemetery, which contains nine graves.
There are only two or three tombstones in this cemetery. The condition of the road made it impossible for Mrs. Gilbert to go to the cemetery, but she knows the persons buried in the cemetery.
Information furnished by Mrs. Bessie Little Gilbert
- Little, Angus 1832-1895 (Union Soldier)
- Little, Bennie (1905-1910)
- Little, Clemency Lenis Brown 1834-1914
- Little, George (1903-1905)
- Little, Lou (5 years old – date unknown)
- Little, Louise (1923-1925)
- Little, Mark Edmund (infant-date unknown)
- Shores, William (Confederate Soldier) (date unknown)
- Shores, Mrs. William (dates unknown)