
Springtown, a beautiful village is located on Flint Creek, eighteen miles southwest from Bentonville. It derives its name from its famous spring, which flows from the foot of a bank in the valley not more than fifteen feet high. The village lies just west of the spring, at the foot of the southern bluff of Flint Creek Valley. The hills beyond the valley, covered with their native forests, present cheerful scenery. Charles Kincheloe built the first house where Springtown is located, about the year 1841, and Isaac Dial built the next one close by the spring, and it is still standing. Soon thereafter a Mr. Yarberry built the next house, it being where Frank Wasson now lives. No business, however, was established at Springtown until 1868, when Manning Richardson opened the first store in the place, and built the first house in the town proper. Marion Seaburn was the next merchant, and Thomason & Northcut the next, neither of whom remain. The town was surveyed and laid out in lots in 1871. It lies in the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 18, Range 32, and is laid out on a bearing of south 59½ degrees west.

The following is its present business directory: General merchandise, W. D. Wasson, McGaugh Bros.; hardware, drugs and groceries, W. Collins & Co.; drugs, Sewell & Enterkine; hotel, J. L. Allen; steam grist and saw-mill, Mitchell & Loy; blacksmiths, Collins & Holland, Collins & Brown; boot and shoemakers, R. D. Morland, A. T. Moodey; post and telephone office, William J. Collins; physicians, N. Sewell, James Hall, T. H. Roughton; churches, Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal, South. The Methodist Episcopal society has not as yet erected a church building. The village also contains a schoolhouse and lodge hall combined, the school-room being in the first story and the hall in the second.

Springtown Societies

Springtown Lodge No. 222, A.F.& A. M., was chartered about the year 1868, and has now about thirty-five members. The principal officers are W. E. Garrett, W. M.; J. T. Chastine, S. W.; R. J. McGaugh, J. W.

Springtown Chapter No. 70, R. A. Masons, was chartered about the year 1873, and has now thirty members. This was the first chapter organized in Benton County. The present officers are J. F. Mitchell, High Priest; J. T. Chastine, King; Isaac January, Scribe. Both of these societies are in good financial condition, and both prosper in the work laid down on the Masonic trestle-board.

Back to: Benton County, Arkansas History

Source: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago, IL, USA: Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889.



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