First General Election

The first general election in Benton County was held in August, 1838, being for the election of governor, members of the Legislature and county officers. The whole number of votes cast in the county on that occasion was 272. Politically the county has always been strongly Democratic. and that party has always elected its officers with the exception of the period following the war, when Democrats who had participated in the Rebellion were disfranchised. During that period Republican officers were elected, and since that time up to the present year the Republicans of Benton County have not had a ticket in the field. The Democrats being so largely in the ascendancy, there is not now, and never has been, much political excitement in the county. On the 21st day of July, 1888, the Republicans met in convention in Bentonville and nominated a full county ticket. They had a fine procession, which marched entirely around the public square, led by a martial band. At the head of the procession Mr. C. G. Metheny, of Sulphur Springs, carried the “stars and stripes,” and it was claimed that this was the first time for thirty years that the old flag had been carried around the public square of Bentonville by a political procession. Following this, on the Saturday prior to the late election, the Democrats met in convention in Bentonville and nominated a full county ticket, all of which was elected at the election following. On the day of their convention the Democrats raised a handsome pole and hoisted thereon the “stars and stripes,” all now recognizing it as “the flag of our country.”

At the late election the question of granting licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, and also for the call of a convention to amend the State constitution, was submitted to the voters. The following are the returns of the election held in Benton County in September, 1888:

Total vote cast, 4,561.

Governor–J. P. Eagle, 3,049; C. M. Norwood, 1,384.

Secretary of State–B. B. Chism, 3,094; G. R. Terry, 1,369.

Treasurer–W. E. Woodruff, 3,101.

Auditor–W. S. Dunlop, 3,094; A. W. Bird, 1,338.

Attorney General–W. E. Atkinson, 3,101; W. J. Duval, 1.338.

State Land Commissioner–Paul M. Cobb, 3,098; R. H. Morehead, 1,335.

Superintendent Public Instruction–Wood E. Thompson, 3.085; B. P. Baker, 1,334.

Chief Justice–S. R. Cockrill, 3,095; O. D. Scott, 1,339.

Prosecuting Attorney–J. W. Walker, 1,194; M. R. Baker, 1.670; S. M. Johnson, 1,227.

Representatives–D. M. Setser, 3,177; P. A. Rodgers, 3,050; A. Hollingsworth, 1,146; Eli Bacon, 1,242; W. N. Hemingway, 119.

For County Judge–S. A. Cordell. 3,037; I. B. Lawton, 1,291.

Circuit Clerk–C. C. Huffman, 3,114; E. L. Allen, 1.236; C. R. Craig, 83.

County Clerk–E. L. Taylor, 3,155; James C. Tune, 1,279.

Coroner–R. N. Corley, 3.083; J. C. Pennington, 1,246.

Sheriff–E. P. Galbreaith, 2,445; W. C. Lefors, 1,721.

Treasurer–H. C. Smith, 3,243; James Elam, 1,159.

Assessor–W. H. Haines, 3,229; P. W. Roberts, 1,247.

Surveyor–J. A. Murray, 3,145; M. B. Maxwell, 566.

For license, 2,311; against license, 1,760.

For convention, 600; against, 3,035.

Back to: Benton County, Arkansas History

Source: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago, IL, USA: Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889.


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