Biography of J. R. Miller of Faulkner County

J. R. Miller, a prosperous merchant and farmer in Faulkner County, was born on January 2, 1856, in Memphis, Tennessee. He is the son of J. J. and Nancy A. (West) Miller. After moving frequently in his youth, Miller settled in Arkansas in 1876. He established a store in Mayflower in 1884 and has resided there since. Miller married twice, first to Manda E. Jackson, with whom he had three children, and later to Mary S. Surat, with whom he had three more children. An active Democrat, Miller has served as justice of the peace and is a notable community leader.

J. R. Miller, who is a prosperous merchant and farmer of Faulkner County, was born in Memphis, Tenn., on January 2, 1856, and is the son of J. J. and Nancy A. (West) Miller, the former being an Ohioan by birth. They were the parents of five children, two of whom are still living. J. J. Miller went to Memphis in 1844, worked at his trade as a painter, and was married there the same year. He remained in Memphis until 1847, when he moved to Ohio, and from there to Louisville, Ky., going thence to New Albany. Returning to Memphis, he died there in 1863. His wife survived him until 1868.

Our subject received his education at the public schools, living with his father until he was twenty years of age, when he went to Craighead County, Ark., and farmed for two years. In 1876, he moved to St. Francis County, and from there to Hot Springs, but remained only a short time. He then built a large boat and ran up and down the Arkansas River, and finally moved to the shore at Chrisman Place. His boat was afterward destroyed, after which he built a storehouse and sold goods at Caldwell Landing. In February 1884, he closed out his stock, and in a short time came to Mayflower, where he has resided ever since.

On January 11, 1864, Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Manda E. Jackson. To this marriage, three children were born: Catherine, John, and Nancy. On April 15, 1878, Mr. Miller was bereft of his wife, and in 1880 he married his second and present wife, Mary S. Surat. They are the parents of three children: Sophia, Lizzie, and William H. He has a good store of general merchandise, his stock usually invoicing from $600 to $700. Besides this, he owns 200 acres of land, forty of which are under cultivation.

The town of Mayflower was founded in 1882 and has a post office, two blacksmith shops, two stores, a sawmill, and two shingle mills within a mile and a half, all of which are doing good business. Mr. Miller is a skilled mechanic and is never idle. He has served as justice of the peace, during which time he had the honor of marrying one couple. He also bound over one individual who was sent to the penitentiary, besides disposing of several other cases of minor importance. He is a staunch Democrat and always supports the principles of his party.

Active and enterprising as a citizen, he cheerfully gives his support wherever it is needed and is not a follower but a leader in matters tending to the prosperity and growth of the community.


The Goodspeed Publishing Co., Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner, Grant, Saline, Perry, Garland and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas, Chicago, Nashville, and St. Louis : 1889.

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