Map of the Battle of Pea Ridge

Map of the Battle of Pea Ridge

1 thought on “Map of the Battle of Pea Ridge”

  1. When I was younger (probably 9th or 10th grade) my dad took us to Pea Ridge. I know it was a battle in the Civil War, but I figured it was because he was from Coffeyville, KS and he loved history, but I could never have imagined I’d be looking it up at this time in my life (I’m 68 now), but I’ve been researching my husband’s ancestry and he has an ancestor who was in the 6th Reg Missouri Cavalry Union and was there. His name was 1st. LT William Arthur Denby and he was Regimental Chaplain…and assistant Surgeon. (In his civilian life, he was Dr. William Denby from the Walnut Grove, MO area. His sister married Benjamin Taylor Edge, my husband’sancestor. ) I sure wish I had paid a little more attention!! I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed my visit back when I was a kid. I’m going to try to get my my husband (Jim Edge) to go with me to visit again.
    Carol Edge


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