Index to Pence Funeral Home, Conway, Arkansas, Vol. I, Ledger 1, 1881-1904

This is one of the two indexes from Pence Funeral Home, Conway, Arkansas, Vol. I (1881-1904). This index, covering the years 1881 to 1888, is the first one kept by Mr. Pence. It essentially lists the deceased with their date of death or burial, providing little other information. In contrast, his second index, which spans from 1889 to 1904, offers much more detailed accounts of the deaths. My favorite entry in Mr. Pence’s first ledger is simply, “Irishman with big feet.”

Abraham, Mrs.
Adams, Charlie
Adams, Charlie, Mrs.
Adams, J. L. C., Mrs.
Adams, Jarvis
Adams, Mr.
Adams, T. T.
Adams, W. P.
Adams, W. P.
Adan, T. T.
Adans, Jarris
Anderson, Asbury
Anderson, Cora
Anderson, Martha
Anderson, Matilda
Arnsden, J. M.
Atkeison, T. H.
Atkinson, Buddie
Atkinson, T. H., Mrs.
Atkison, A. P.
Bailey, Jake
Bailey, James
Bailey, Mrs.
Bailey, Mrs.
Bailey, Rosa
Baker, W. S.
Baker, W. W.
Baker, William
Ball, J. E.
Barley, George
Barloe, Miss
Barnes, G. W.
Barnheart, C. H.
Barrett, Mr. (Capt.)
Beavers, Jo
Beavor, Thomas
Beck, S. P.
Beck, S. P.
Belmaze, Emanuel
Belmot, Rosa
Benadict, Frank
Benedict, E.
Benedict, George
Benedict, George, Mrs.
Bennett, Green
Bennett, J. E.
Bennett, J. M. F.
Bennett, J. M., Mrs.
Bennett, Laurah
Berghbaugh, H. M.
Berring, J. H.
Berry, Mrs.
Bevrden, Mr.
Biggers, John
Bihler, Fred
Billingly, Anthony
Bishop, Charles
Bishop, W. E.
Blackburn, Flemmon
Blackwell, Mrs.
Bledsow, Allace, Mrs.
Boedson, J. W.
Bolding, Mr.
Bolinger, J. H.
Bolton, E. A.
Bolton, Freddie
Borland, H., Mrs.
Bost, W. A.
Boubier, Emanuel
Bouring, J. H.
Bowen, Ben
Bradford, F. S.
Bradford, W. H.
Bradley, Mr.
Bradley, Mr.
Bradley, Mrs.
Bradley, Mrs.
Bradlove, R. E.
Bradshaw, Mrs.
Brakebill, P. M.
Brakebill, P. M.
Brannon, E. O.
Brannon, E. O., Mrs.
Branon, Daniel
Brawley, M. F.
Brawner, John
Bray, Mrs.
Bridwell, J. S.
Bridwell, J. T., Mrs.
Brodie, E.
Brown, Charley
Brown, Eliza
Brown, Ella, Miss
Brown, Fredrick
Brown, George
Brown, George S.
Brown, John
Brown, Mr.
Brown, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs.
Brown, Robert
Brown, Wash
Brown, Wash
Browning, Billy
Browning, John R.
Browning, Mary, Mrs.
Bryant, J. M.
Bryant, Marion
Bryant, Marion
Bryant, Marion
Bryant, William
Buckhanon, James, Mrs.
Buckner, W. J., Mrs.
Bullion, Martha Jane,Mrs.
Burgess, Anderson
Burgin, G. W.
Burkhiser, Elvira
Burks, Mr.
Burleson, William
Burmingham, Curtis
Burnett, Bonny
Burnett, S. U.
Burns, S. B.
Burns, S. B., Mrs.
Butts, W. W.
Butts, W. W.
Butts, W. W.
Byrnes, Thomas
Cambell, Elick
Cambell, Jennie, Mrs.
Cameron, C. J.
Canniore, John, Mrs.
Carson, L. A.
Carter, A.
Carter, J. M.
Case, H. G.
Castelberry, Henry
Castleberry, Hawkins
Castleberry, Hawkins
Castleberry, M. H.
Castleberry, M. H., Mrs.
Castleberry, S. V., Mrs.
Castleberry, W. H.
Cavin, Joseph
Charles, Mrs.
Chick, John
Childers, Mrs.
Chisler, George
Chiver, D. M.
Chivers, D. M.
Clay, Russell
Clifton, George, Mrs.
Clifton, May
Clifton, Sam
Cobb, William, Mrs.
Cofmanel, Francis
Cogwell, J. R.
Cole, Laura, Miss
Cole, William
Coleman, Charley
Coleman, Mrs.
Connell, Mary
Conway, Fred, Miss
Copleman, Mr.
Cornett, John
Cost, Hanna
Cowan, Steve, Mrs.
Cox, C. W.
Cox, Charles
Cox, D. C.
Cox, Dave
Cox, Dave, Mrs.
Cox, J. Y.
Cox, J. Y.
Cox, J. Y., Mrs.
Cox, Johnie, Mrs.
Cox, M. J., Mrs.
Cox, Mrs.
Cox, Sam
Coxe, Dave
Crisp, M. M.
Curenton, Johnson
Cushionberry, Joe
Dalton, Dennis
Davenport, George
Davenport, Isaic
Davis, Samuel
Dawson, J. S.
Dean, John
Deavenport, George
Deavenport, R. F.
Deavenport, R. F.
Deavenport, S. V.
Deavenport, W. A.
Deavenport, W. A. J.,Mrs.
Decondict, L.
Deshields, Harrison
Devire, Thomas
Dickens, Grant 12 Yrs.Old
Dickens, Martha
Dickerson, George
Dickerson, George
Dickerson, Jesse
Dickerson, Jesse
Dicus, James L.
Donaghey, Sue Thompson
Donnell, Allex
Douglas, Sherman
Dowdy, John
Downing, B. M.
Downing, B. M.
Dozer, M. K.
Dozier, James
Dozier, King
Duffy, Owen
Duke, Tom
Duncan, Eliza
Duncan, W. A.
Duncan, William
Dunlap, E. C.
Dunlap, E. C.
Dunlap, E. C.
Dunlap, Harry
Dunn, J. A.
Dunn, W. W.
Dunnaway, Zack
Durham, John, Mrs.
Duvall, Fanie
Edmonds, M. B.
Edwards, Jo
Edwards, John
Edwards, John, Mrs.
Edwards, M. B.
Egell, S. E.
Elliott, G. K., Mrs.
Ellis, Mary
Embry, Julia, Miss
Ethridge, M. B., Mrs.
Evans, Green
Evans, Jo
Farer, J. J.
Farmer, Fannie, Mrs.
Farmer, J. W.
Farrior, J. J.
Faulk, J. N.
Fennelly, Wash
Fielder, Nick
Fisher, Dona
Fletcher, John
Florgan, Michael
Frauenthal, Joseph
Frazier, Bettie
Frazier, J. J., Mrs.
Frills, Mrs.
Fryne, R.
Fuldas, I. T.
Furgerson, J. N.
Furgerson, T. H., Mr.
Gant, William
Gardman, William
Garrison, Willie
Gates, W. A.
Geahaz, Charlie
Gibbs, J. M.
Gibbs, J. W.
Gibson, J. A.
Gill, Mrs.
Gist, J. C.
Gist, J. C.
Gist, J. C.
Glen, Robert
Glenn, James, Mrs.
Gode, Mr.
Godsley, Mary, Mrs.
Goodman, William, Mrs.
Goodwin, A. J.
Graves, Clif
Green, Ivens
Green, Mr.
Green, Mrs.
Green, Phillip
Greene, Jo
Griffith, Mr.
Griffith, Mrs.
Grimes, Dick
Grisard, W. H.
Groves, M.
Guckion, James, Mrs.
Guess, J. G.
Guinn, Celia
Guinn, M. H., Mrs.
Gunter, A. L. 2 Mo. Old
Hacker, J. G.
Hail, Rob
Hail, William
Hains, Mr.
Hale, F. M.
Hale, Robert, Mrs.
Hall, B. V.
Hall, Dave
Hall, Dave, Mrs.
Hall, David
Hall, David
Hall, F. M., Mrs.
Hall, William
Hallum, T. J.
Halter, Fred
Halter, Miss
Hamilton, George
Hamilton, Henry
Hamilton, Quain
Hanchbeamn, D.
Hankins, R. T.
Hardin, J. F.
Hardin, Mrs.
Hardin, Mrs.
Hargue, Johnie
Hargus, William
Harkrider, Dave
Harkrider, James
Harmon, C. J.
Harmon, T. M.
Harrall, Mrs.
Harris, Jeff
Harris, John, Mrs.
Harris, Lizzie
Harris, Mrs.
Harrison, Bud
Harrison, J. F.
Harrison, J. H.
Harrison, Thomas
Harrison, Willie J.
Harriss, J. N.
Harrod, James, Dr.
Harrod, John
Harrod, Willie
Harron, G. B.
Hartje, B. F.
Hartje, Frank
Hartje, George’
Hatiway, John
Haunsort, B.
Hay, Elick, Mrs.
Hayley, Sam
Heitt, John
Heitt, Robert
Henderson, J. L. C.
Hendricks, J. C.
Hendrix, E. A.
Hendrix, M. H.
Hendrix, Mrs.
Henry, K.
Hiatt, Mrs.
Hickman, Frank
Hickman, Mr.
Hiett, N. B.
Higgle, Jacob
Higgs, Tom
Higgs, W. T.
High, M. A.
High, Sam
Hill, James
Hill, Rich
Hilliard, G. E.
Hinsley, Mary
Hoffman, Joseps
Hogan, A.
Hogan, E. C.
Hogan, Ed
Hogan, Green
Hogan, Green
Hogan, Green
Hogan, Green
Hogan, Green, Mrs.
Hoggard, J. A.
Hoggard, J. A.
Hoggard, Mrs.
Holdum, T. J.
Holland, John
Holloway, James
Holmes, James, Mrs.
Holmes, W. I.
Holt, Pink
Hormon, Rufus
Hortfer, J. H.
Horton, Charlie
Horton, Mrs.
Hovis, H. C.
Hovis, J. H.
How, Josiah, Mrs.
Hunter, Hora
Imboldin, Alphus
Ingram, Henry
Ingram, John
Ingram, Maud
Ingram, William
Irving, Kittie
Ivens, William
Jackson, A. J.
Jackson, T. J.
Jesperson, C.
Jobe, D.
Johnson, Abe
Johnson, George
Johnson, J. E.
Johnson, Martha, Mrs.
Johnson, R.
Jolley, W. T.
Jones, George
Jones, J. M.
Jones, J. W.
Jones, James
Jones, Jimmy
Jones, John
Jones, John
Jones, Mrs.
Jones, W. C.
Jones, Willis
Jones, Willis
Julian, A. J., Mrs.
Kelley, Jane, Mrs.
Kelley, Jesmie
Kelley, John W.
Kelley, W. J., Mrs.
Kelsey, J. R.
Kelsey, J. R.
Kelsey, John R.
Kelsey, John R., Mrs.
Kennedy, W. H.
Kinchoilo, J. F., Mrs.
King, B. V.
King, B. V.
King, J. W.
King, Miss
King, West
Kinney, John
Kirkland, Doc
Kirkland, Dock
Kirkland, S. B.
Kirkland, W. J.
Knolton, Fred
Koch, Wilhelm
Koffer, E. G.
Kritzer, Edward
Kuykendall, Frank
Lackey, Dutch
Lamb, Mr.
Landers, Mike
Landers, Robert
Laney, M.
Larion, German
Lawrence, Elick
Lawrence, Frank
Lea, W. M.
Ledbetter, John
Lee, E. C.
Lee, L. N., Mrs.
Lee, Mrs.
Lewis, George, Mrs.
Lewis, William
Lile, S. A.
Liles, L. L.
Lipscum, R. H.
Lisle, John
Little, E. L.
Little, E. W.
Little, J. E.
Little, Mrs.
Livingston, A. F.
Livingston, A. F.
Livingston, M. A.
Lohokski, John
Long, John
Long, Pink
Love, Frank
Love, G. W.
Love, H. M.
Lowery, T. A.
Lowery, T. A., Mrs.
Lyon, W. M.
Mabrick, Tomas
Madden, Ludie
Madison, John
Mallon, Frank
Markham, W. E.
Marsh, Ruban
Marshall, Martha
Marshall, S. P.
Martin, Agnes
Martin, J. E., Mrs.
Martin, James
Martin, Mr.
Martin, Mr.
Martin, Mrs.
Martin, Tom
Martin, William
Massingall, Henry
Mathews, J. A.
Mathews, Joe
May, Mrs.
Maybery, Albert
Mayher, Mrs.
McColloch, J. H.
McCrackin, Johey
McCulloch, J. H.
McCurdy, W. H.
McDonell, Hanna
McDonnell, E.
McDough, Ed
McDougle, J. W.
McGee, Elmetta
McGraw, Stevn
McGuffee, Z.
McGuire, Charles
McHenry, J. B.
McHorkle, W. M.
McLane, Thomas
McNair, Hick
Merrick, Nancy
Milam, Abner
Milam, W. F.
Miller, John 7 Days Old
Mills, Mr.
Mitchell, Allie
Mitchell, J. V.
Mitchell, J. V.
Mitchell, S. H.
Moore, George
Moore, J. B.
Moore, Jimmy
Moore, M. E.
Moore, N. W.
Moseley, W. C.
Mosley, A. A.
Mosley, A. A.
Mursen, Mr.
Mursur, Caroline, Mrs.
Myers, Porter
Neal, Charley
Neiley, Mrs.
Nixon, Burl
Nixon, David
Nixon, Mrs.
Nixon, W. H. C.
Oak, Frank
Oak, Frank
Oliver, James
Oliver, Peter
Oliver, Polly
Orr, Mose
Owens, E. E.
Patrick, James
Patrick, S. P.
Patten, J. H.
Patten, J. H.
Patten, Mrs.
Paty, Emry
Paul, A. J., Mrs.
Paul, Jack
Payne, Andy, Mrs.
Payne, John
Payne, Margarett Curley
Paynes, W. W.
Pearson, Sims
Pearson, W. A., Mrs.
Peerson, Jeff
Pemberton, Charley
Perry, R. H., Mrs.
Petitt, W. C.
Philips, F. T.
Philips, Joseph
Phillips, A. J.
Phillips, Mr.
Phillips, Mr. (Dentist)
Philpot, Jack
Philpot, Jack
Pierce, John
Pirks, Mr.
Powers, Guss
Preston, George
Pride, Charles
Prince, G. P.
Prince, William
Pugh, W. H.
Pugh, W. H.
Racken, James, Mrs.
Raney, Frank
Rankin, George
Rankin, James
Rayborn, Lihue
Rayborn, Sam
Reed, Coleman
Reeves, M. J.
Reynolds, Mrs.
Reynolds, W. W.
Rice, Henry
Rich, C. C.
Richardson, Sallie, Miss
Richmond, William
Ritz, Michael
Ritz, Michael
Ritz, Michail
Robbins, R. L.
Robbinson, William
Robert, Mr.
Roberts, William
Robinson, W. H.
Rodegor, P. K.
Rodes, Henry
Romas, Louis
Roper, Mrs.
Rush, Mrs.
Rushing, Philip
Russell, Mary
Russell, William, Mrs.
Ruthridge, Mrs.
Samson, Mrs
Sanders, Dr.
Sanders, John, Mrs.
Sansom, Jack
Sanson, William
Sanson, William, Mrs.
Saxton, S. E.
Schichtl, Andy
Schneider, August
Scott, S. T., Mrs.
Seago, J. B., Mrs.
Sevier, Abe
Sevier, R. E.
Sevier, William
Shaw, James
Shaw, N.
Shaw, Newt 7 Days Old
Shaw, T. A.
Shelton, B. A.
Shelton, John
Shenoski, John
Shinskey, John
Shira, S. W.
Shore, Howell, Mrs.
Shores, Dr.
Shores, S. T.
Showalter, John
Shuttles, J. M.
Shuttles, Sam
Simon, George
Simons, Mrs.
Simons, P. H.
Simonton, Mrs.
Simpson, Annie
Simpson, Conway
Simpson, Jesse
Simpson, Mrs.
Sims, Mattie, Miss
Sims, W. C.
Singer, D. A.
Sloan, W. J., Mrs.
Smith, F. M.
Smith, George
Smith, J. M.
Smith, J. M., Mrs.
Smith, L. C.
Smithson, J. P.
Smithy, Mrs.
Sneider, Guss
Snow, Eliza, Mrs.
Snow, Henry
Snow, M. A., Miss
Snow, Mrs.
Snow, William
Snow, William, Mrs.
Southerland, G. W.
Southern, Flora
Spans, James
Spears, Mrs.
Spencer, Mrs.
Spurlock, Billy
Stallings, John
Stanley, Kate, Miss
Staton, Mrs.
Stedevant, L. B.
Steekly, William
Stephenson, Mrs.
Stermer, George
Stermer, Willie
Stevens, Fate
Stevens, H. C.
Stewart, Dr.
Stokes, Annie
Stokes, Florence
Stokes, Mark
Stone, Rebeca
Stricklin, Mrs.
Stringfellow, Eddie
Sugs, Mrs.
Sunerous, W. B.
Tarathorlton, J. J.
Taylor, Lum
Taylor, Mrs.
Taylor, Perry
Terry, W. S.
Tew, J. W., Mrs.
Thayer, John
Thomas, George
Thomas, Jo
Thomas, John, Mrs.
Thomas, Mac
Thompson, Ed
Thompson, Ed, Mrs.
Thompson, George
Thompson, Inis
Thompson, J. N.
Thompson, Jo
Thompson, Russel
Thompson, S. K.
Thompson, W. E.
Thompson, W. E.
Thompson, Will
Thornton, Sue, Mrs.
Thurman, Isaac
Tilly, A. P.
Tiner, Tom, Mrs.
Tolliver, Henderson
Tomlanson, Mollie, Miss
Townsend, R. B.
Townsend, R. S.
Turner, Betsy
Turner, E. G.
Turner, Samuel
Tyler, A.
Vann, Sam T.
Vaughan, Mrs.
Veiss, John
Vineyard, John
Wafford, L. S., Mrs.
Wallthal, Murdie
Walter, Charlie
Walthal, Milton
Walton, J. N.
Wapplehoss, Peter, Mrs.
Ware, C. B.
Ware, C. B.
Watkins, J. G.
Watkins, W. C., Mrs.
Watson, Marion
Wheeler, King
White, Jessee, Mrs.
Wilee, William Harris
Wilkerson, A. C.
Wilkins, W. J.
Will, Bob
Willett, John
Williams, Dora
Williams, J. E.
Williams, J. R.
Williams, James
Williams, Laura
Williams, M. M.
Williams, M. M., Mrs.
Williams, Mr.
Williams, Roy
Willson, Scot
Wilson, Asberry
Wilson, J. P.
Wilson, John
Wilson, John
Wilson, Lum
Wilson, Nellie
Wilson, Scot
Wilson, Scot
Winton, D. L., Mrs.
Witt, A. R.
Witt, J. T.
Witt, J. T., Mrs.
Witt, Jesse, Mrs.
Wofford, L. H.
Womard, French
Woodworth, Miss
Wooster, D. C.
Wright, Annie
Wyhatt, Colby

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